Adhyatma Vidya The Science of Mind

Adhyatma Vidya (skt.) is traditionally known as the knowledge of mind or true self or in a more modern sense the Science of Mind. The rich and fantastically elaborate culture of the ancient Indians were perhaps the first civilization to study, theorise, and test mind. And since the time of the historical Buddha, followers of the Buddha Dharma have been studying it ever since within the ever modern laboratory of meditation.

Remember that there are many religions in the world. They can not be put under one heading since not all of them presuppose faith in an immaterial and immortal soul. Some of them – for example, Buddhism – may appear to be quite close to the concepts of modern science.”
Francis H.C Crick

What is the laboratory of meditation? And what experiments are we doing when we meditate? Quite simply we are looking for the self or the observer. We are looking for that through which hears through our ears and sees through our eyes. We are looking for that part of us that has been with us since beginningless time that which has no colour, shape, or form, the part of us that never dies and was never born, but that part of us that we just seem to know or understand to always have been there.

“For a parallel to the lesson of atomic Theory regarding the limited applicability of such customary idealisations, we must, in fact, turn to the other branches of science, such as psychology, or even to that kind of epistemological problems with which already thinkers like Buddha and Lao Tsu have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence.
Niels Bohr

Many great treatises have been written about Buddhist Epistemology (theory of perception), Nagarjuna’s Prajnaparamitas, and the processes that take place when we experience and interact with phenomena. It is understood that when we thoroughly examine all the relationships and dependencies (theory of dependent origination) we can find no thing that is truly independent or exists in and of itself. This could be a good way to explain the Buddhist idea of emptiness; empty of its own existence. In Sanskrit the word used is Shunyata. It is extremely important to note here that Emptiness or Shunyata is not “Nothing or nothingness” the root “Su” denotes a great swelling of possibilities. Wow, that sounds very exciting to me how about you? We live in a world of limitless possibilities and endless joy that arises from it. Space is rich and beautiful beyond our wildest imaginations.

15 thoughts on “Adhyatma Vidya The Science of Mind”

  1. quantumpreceptor

    Glad to have met up with you on the “beat up the Buddha” websites. I don’t know if challenging these folks helps or not but it just seems like someone needs to point out the flaws in their attacks. Hope to see you around!


    1. We’ll i am happy to have met you too. I really have a bone to pick with the “beat up the Buddha” peeps. Let’s gang up on them together, there is so much missinformation being spread not to mention genuine hate. I challenge them whenever I read something that is not right. They seem to be mostly Christians that are insecure in their faith. What do you say?


      1. I agree. It is unlikely that we can actually open their eye because their view is so fixed. But at least be correcting their incorrect statements when others read the comments they may get a more accurate view. I agree that it is a sign of someone that has questionable faith that they need to attack others. The hard part is keeping our comments as constructive as possible so that it is perceived that we are attacking them. Take care!


        1. Yes that’s why Buddhism is a practice. We never get to stop trying harder to realize our full potential. And even or maybe especially in the face of complete ignorance we keep practicing, that’s our way.


          Liked by 1 person

        2. So Ronin how’s it going? The chat with George is interesting to say the least but very typical from the christians I know they cannot see the forest for all the trees, not because they are incapable but because they do not want to. How would you explain it? Any ideas of how or where to go from here should we team up more or keep separate threads?



        3. QP

          Nice hearing from you. Yes I think that George just doesnt get it. It is bit like he is talking to another Christian from another denomination. He thinks all he needs to do is quote bible verses because it is already know that both people do not question the bibles authority. I guess tje positive side is when others read the debate they will see his circular logic. So in the end I think it is worth defending Buddhism especially when these people make incorrect claims about what Buddhism teaches. I always on the look out for these types of posts. For a while there it seemed like there was many. Recently only a couple. It is always better if there is more than one person responding. So if I come across any posts like this I will let you know so you can add your two cents worth. If you see any you could do likewise and let me know. The people who write these are usually hopelessly stuck in their view point. But as I mentioned others reading the post have a lot to gain from reading our replies. Take care and nice talking to you!


        4. Thata is a fantastic idea, I would love to help in that way. It is very constructive and positive for all. If you dont mind I will chime in a little bit on your comments with him, as time allows.



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